Dreams Visions Nightmares Truth Behind

Scientists say that on average we dream 4 dreams per night. We usually forget most but some profound ones we do remember in the morning, but still, things are yet to unfold research is in progress about dreams and their mechanism.

We sleep one-third of our life if let’s say one person 8 hours per day sleeps so how many good and bad dreams have, we had? In this article, we’re going to explore the truth behind dreams visions, and nightmares in the Christian Biblical context. Without ado let’s start.

Dreams visions Nightmares in Biblical context

JOB 33:15 ” In a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. While we’re sleeping He opens up the ear of men to listen.

JOB 7:13-14’

When I think my bed will comfort me and my couch will ease my complaint even then you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions.

Numbers: 12:6 “He said, Listen to my words: “When there is a prophet among you, l, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams.

God reveals His plans to the prophets in visions and dreams. There is written ” God doesn’t do anything until He reveals His plans on His people”

ACTS: 2:17: “In His last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people, your sons and daughter will prophecy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Young and old people will see visions and dreams, but not like that, you dreamed 4 dreams and 3 forget. Those dreams are never forgotten which God shows.

Proverbs 3:24

If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid I will put my trust in you,

God has the authority and power to set us free from evil dreams plus the consequences of these dreams, when you sleep seal yourself in the blood of Jesus Christ, anoint yourself, surrender yourself before Him, Pray and say Holy Spirit I give control of my dreams to you, I want to keep myself Holy I don’t want to sin even in the dreams. God listens to us.

Deuteronomy 13: 1-3

I if a prophet or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place and the prophet says “let’s follow other Gods ( God you have not known) and let us worship them”,

God clearly informs us don’t follow those prophets who even have certain powers and wonders to surprise us.

Dreams and nightmares explained

Some dreams we dream of since childhood or for years, and some are pleasant enough that even our whole day spends in that certain pleasant vibe. At the same time, some are so horrific enough that we don’t even want to remember. For example the death of somebody so close to us. Some are bizarre and dirty that we are ashamed to recall in our conscious minds.

There are blessings released in the dream. Sometimes when we get blessed in dreams we are blessed in real as well. when Pastors or people of God dream about us, God sends His people to bless us, blessings entered our lives through dreams.

Breakthroughs opportunities substantial God reveals in the dreams. God even reveals the traps of the enemy.

We see in the Bible Joseph “the Dreamer”. God has blessed him with the special gift of dreams interpretation. One of his dreams of glory “Moon and stars are bowing down to him” brought a huge wave of jealousy among his brothers, who even became the enemy of his life.

They started calling him the dreamer. They attempted to kill the dreamer and his dream but the thing is it is granted by God no one can steal from you.

From throwing into the pit to be sold to the Fotifer, from the house of Fortifier to the prison, and the journey from prison to the palace of Pharaoh and finally becoming the second highest after king in Egypt. God is so good He knows to create goodness in any bad situation.

On the other side, the devil tries to do the same, who have a great destiny he wants to destroy it. Great destiny is not a great position in life. Life without Jesus is no destiny. If you’re in the feet of Jesus you hold a great destiny. Our destiny is eternity with Jesus.

Now, what is the enemy doing? As he is a stealer hence, he is trying to steal everything that is awarded to us. But when we’re faithful to the Lord none of his traps could be successful. has access to our dreams as well.

The most common nightmare dreams examples

Dreams are out of our control for this reason we dream unwanted dreams.

Snakes (enemy)


Spiders (fix the issues)

Dirty water (something alarming)

Falling teeth

Running behind something



Sleep paralysis

Demons/man/woman violating you

Sexual dreams

Meeting with your dead family members

Being shot or injured.

We all need to have deliverance from the list above. We have to give control of dreams, as we can’t do it by ourselves.

Should I share my dreams with everyone:

Be careful never to share your dreams with everyone. Special your profound dreams shouldn’t be shared. the person whom you’re sharing can release blessing or jealousy spirit can catch anyone. Share with that one who’ll edify you, who’ll stand with you in prayer for the fulfillment of those dreams.

I was used to sharing my dreams with people in the early day of my ministry, we get excited to share our beautiful dreams, it’s ok to share but look how many are there to steal that blessing. How many bad vibes a person is holding against your profound dream? Well, gradually we learn to control our feelings and emotions.

How to stop nightmares and vivid dreams 

To stop nightmares and vivid dreams we need to call HOLY SPIRIT desperately to guard our dreams. It won’t happen instantly; you would have to pray for it for some time.

Still, the enemy will try to disturb you but gradually Holy Spirit will awaken you when you dream such nightmares.

We have to strongly tie with Holy Spirit to get rid of and avoid bad dreams.

The devil can have access to our dreams In the daytime, we are being conscious and alert to fight against any temptation and enemy traps. But soon as we go to sleep our conscious mind sleeps with us.

This is the time when the enemy utilizes this time to so the seed of diseases, sickness, poverty, addiction, fear, doubts uncertainty, and fighting through dreams, nonetheless, the people of God can’t be accessed by his agents.

The fact of the matter is the powers of darkness and evil can’t approach the one who is all the time guarded with the fire of the Holy Spirit. This kind of anointing doesn’t stay just because of a weekly Sunday service and a daily ten-minute prayer, rather than praying every time in the Spirit.

Can tarot cards ruin your life?

Where do this uncertainty and doubts come from? When the raw believers fall into the traps, people of God who’re not deeply enrooted to the Lord get deceived by the enemy through appealing problem-solving solutions.

When the prayers are not answered they approach the fortune tellers. As they reach those so-called experts such as astrologers, tarot cards, and crystal balls, the enemy gets the legal right upon them.

The moment you show your hand to them they have the power to steal your blessing.

The people who go to the magicians and Pandits. They attract believers with symbols of Christianity like THE HOLY BIBLE, the CROSS, and the poster of Jesus. A lot of people get tempted by such a disguise, and the devil starts planting his seeds through the dream.

We hold a great destiny when we are in the presence of the Lord, what is our destiny?? Our destiny is eternal life with Jesus Christ. At the same time enemy is on his agenda to steal every good thing from us including our great destiny. But Praise the Lord being in Christ we’re secure and sheltered from the traps of the enemy.

So what to do then, Always raise your hands in front of God instead of the astrologer. You give huge access to the demons n your life when you place your hand in front of the fortune teller.

If you had been there to the above-mentioned places, God wants to release you from these bondages. Just open up yourself in front of Him and He’ll set you free.

Prophetic dreams does God show you the future?

God speaks through dreams and shows us the upcoming blessings. My morning and the entire day are spent in an unexplainable joy and anointing when I dream about praying and worshiping the Lord.

Many of us must testify about dreams and how God spoke to us through dreams. There are sometimes warnings for us in our dreams besides goodness. God wants to alert us to a certain thing or incident that is going to happen in our life or Someone’s life.

I’m sure you might have dreamed badly about something and it similarly happened in that way. For example, sickness, financial loss, or anything that haunts us. God gives us signs to be alarmed and start praying.

Final Thoughts:

Dreams are obvious to every human we don’t have control over it. But God is in control. Some are good and some are definitely bad. Nightmares and dreams hold a massive impact on our life. Enemy access tries to attack us through evil dreams. Hence we need to cover ourselves and our families with the blood of Jesus Christ as well as give control to the HOLY SPIRIT of our minds and dreams. So that we stay holy and blessed in our dreams too.

What should we ask in the prayer?

Ask wisdom from God, ask discernment from God. The most important things to ask are the wisdom of God and discernment to have insight into what is right and what is wrong.

Does God give dreams that are visions?

Yes, some dreams become visions. God can give you vision in dreams. However, you need to get assured about that particular vision. If you would ask for confirmation, certainly God will affirm it multiple times. Further, you can discuss that vision with your church pastor.

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