11 examples of thankful people in the bible | thanksgiving 2023


Examples of Thankful people in the Bible:


Bible is full of various examples of thankful people who spent their entire life trusting God in difficult times, no matter what circumstances they faced trusting God and being thankful  remained the integrated part of their life.

Do you feel sometimes hard to say thanks to the Lord amid hardships, 11 examples who were thankful in the Bible? here in this article we shall discuss and enlighten the life of those incredible characters of the Bible.

 Prophets and disciples are distinguished role models of thanksgiving souls, undoubtedly Jesus is exceptional from all these characters, here is the list below stories of gratitude in the Bible who made the difference through being faithful and thankful to God in the hard times


11 examples of thankful people in the bible
examples of thankful people in the bible

list of thankful people in the Bible: 

  • ·       Noah
  • ·       Abraham
  • ·       Jacob
  • ·       Joseph
  • ·       Joshua
  • ·       Caleb
  • ·       Job
  • ·       Daniel
  • ·       Women with two pennies
  • ·       Paul and Salas


One of the earliest major events in the Bible is Noah’s flood story. The details are that God tells Noah to build an Ark or boat because he is going to destroy all life on Earth in a worldwide flood. 

Animals came to the Ark by their own free will because presumably they were obeying their creator and could sense the waters coming and knew it would be safer. After the rain stopped, the Ark was opened and every kind of land animal stepped out to begin reproducing again.

Noah is a great example of thanksgiving. The Lord hears Noah’s groaning in his heart over how wicked everyone has become, but instead of destroying them all right then and there, he promises that he will not do it if Noah obeys the Lord goes and repopulates the Earth.

Noah is then blessed with great prosperity, including abundant harvests and food for his family and animals in his care. thanksgiving brings prosperity.


“And Abraham was old, well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.” Genesis 24:1

The story of the faith of Abraham has been told countless times. Faith and thanksgiving are both connected. A thankful heart can hold a strong faith. Both traits are seen eminently in Abraham’s life. 

This great man of God’s faith was tested twice, firstly, when he stood firmly in the wait for the promise of a child, in fact his wife’s ability to bear a child at an advanced age was out of the question but through faith, he became ” the father of many nations.” 

Secondly, when He offered his son for sacrifice on heavenly command. Despite knowing that Isaac is his only son and at that age, both were not able to have more children. Still, he remained thankful and obedient to God. 

Once God had initiated his promise with Abraham, he not only waited for the unlikely situation to occur but also remained grateful to God in all things.

” However. In Genesis chapter twelve we find that Abraham’s life had been filled with turmoil as he lived in a foreign land as an immigrant from his native city of Ur. The Lord saw the things that were going on in this man’s soul and moved to action through a special covenant he initiated with Abraham to give him a future and hope. 

“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” Genesis 12:1 These are the words that began one of the most influential relationships in history.


Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebecca. He was the third patriarch of Israel, father of Judah, and ancestor of the tribes that eventually developed into the twelve tribes of Israel. 

Jacob is a great example of a thankful person in the Bible, He is a man of faith and thanksgiving.

Jacob went through plenty of difficulties during his long journey, we see that Jacob’s life was spent sometimes running in fear of his brother and escaping from his father-in-law,

yet he remained faithful to God and kept His commandments. One can learn from this how important it is not to lose faith when the times are rough, but instead to stay strong in faith. Let us take a look at the life of this great man of faith, who lived according to God’s commandments and was faithful all his life despite all sufferings that he endured.

Jacob is considered as an important figure of thanksgiving, 


Joseph is another example of a thanksgiving person in the Bible, his life was spent in different ups and downs, still, he was a faithful and grateful man.

              At some point in our lives we all experience struggle that tempted us like Joseph to give-up hope and faith in God. Joseph, son of Jacob is one of the most exemplary individuals whose life transformed from sorrows to triumphs because of his faith and thanksgiving nature.

              Unlike other biblical persons, his life story records all the incidents which changed him as a person, made him understand pain and suffering, made him cry out to God for help. The book of Genesis records all the incidents that took place in his life.

              Joseph was not an ordinary person but was gifted with dream interpretations and wisdom. He believed God has a plan for him, still, he pleaded to God many times for help when he was in trouble.

   After 12 long years of serving Potiphar in a prison cell, he was imprisoned again falsely by his master’s wife who tried to seduce him. He refused her advances and he was imprisoned again.

              His family used to live in Canaan, but after famine struck Canaan they moved to Egypt for the next 18 years where Joseph’s family grew up and with time his brothers forgot all about selling him into slavery.

 we see his attitude is not complaining but thanksgiving. we can learn from Joseph’s life how to deal with the loss of loved ones.


Joshua was Moses’s assistant and the leader of Israel after Moses. He was the successor to Moses as instructed by God through Moses.

Joshua led Israel they defeated many kings including Jericho, Ai, and Gibeon. They entered the Promised Land after they crossed the Jordan River. The land was divided equally among tribes, so they lived in peace and prosperity.

Joshua was a great example of a thankful person in the Bible, He took the charge of Israel after Moses it was not an easy job, his life is a true example of being grateful and trusting God in every situation.

Guiding a nation like Israel, which was constantly complaining, was a big task but Joshua was an obedient servant of God,

 He obeyed the commandments of God to his utmost ability even if it meant facing great difficulties. He did not have doubts about God’s plan for him or Israel, despite the challenges that lay ahead.

As a leader he had to make many important decisions like the front-line force was not the armed force, it was a team of worshipers and the priests who were giving thanks to the Lord, they were blowing trumpets, praising and worshiping God. Here we can see the power of thanksgiving and praising Lord that Israelites conquered the Jericho so easily.


11 examples of thankful people in the Bible
examples of thankful people in the bible



Caleb is also a kind of thanksgiving person in the Bible his life is a true example of being grateful and trusting God. His grateful heart could see that no one else can see, as we have already discussed that faith and thanksgiving are correlated,

so, when Joshua sent three men on a recce before attacking the promised land, Caleb was the only man who reported nicely to Joshua related to the promised land,

For this reason, he was the one in that generation who could reach and get the property in the cannon.


 the job was a man who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. Job had seven sons and three daughters, and he owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yokes of oxen, and 500 donkeys. So that he was the greatest man among all the people of the East (Job 1:1-3).

Of course, Job’s life is a symbol of a thanksgiving character. We can barely find an example of Job’s patience. And this Patience is the fruit of thanksgiving.

The sufferings that Job faced are not an easy deal. We need to ask God to give us the thanksgiving heart like Job. 


In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.

And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. Daniel was a prophet of that time he was also taken to the prison in the palace.

Instead of being in prison and even in the lion’s den his walk with God was faithful.

Without caring of the king’s orders he used to worship God in his scheduled timings.

A thanksgiving heart is brave. 

Women with two pennies:

A woman who offered her small offering is another pure thanksgiving soul, You don’t have to have much to be thankful to God, A pure heart is essentially enough to give thanks to God.

The poor widow didn’t care about how much people were offering in the temple she offered what she had with a grateful heart.

undoubtedly God loves the happy giver.

Paul and Silas:

       Paul and Silas were always thanksgiving guys to God no matter how bad the situation might be.

When they were in prison, Paul and Silas kept a thanksgiving heart (Acts 16:25-40)

Even when they had been beaten with rods, Paul and Silas still were singing songs of praise and thanksgiving. And we can see the power of thanksgiving that breaks the bondages.



Patience and thanksgiving are those rides that don’t let their rider fall. 

All mentioned above examples of Bible characters who praised god in hard times are as same as we are, our God is same God then why couldn’t be thankful. 

Before looking the problems start counting blessings that God has given to us without even asking, there are thousands of reasons to say thanks to the God.

We can pray and ask God to give us a thankful heart, we can’t develop this habit overnight it takes time and effort. so keep asking, praying and stay connected to the Lord to be a thankful person.

God bless you.

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