Why does God allow suffering?

Why does God allow suffering?




Why does God allow suffering?  In response to the earthquake and tsunami floods and famine, many were devastated by their sorrowful question: why does God allow suffering “Lord, why did you let this happen?” one of the most common questions people ask about life.

But there is no need to despair! And if you’re reading this blog post and asking yourself “why does God allow suffering?” then read on!

This is because it can be so easy for us who are suffering to question God’s love, or even worse- his existence altogether.

It is not only Christians whose faith is put to the test when tragedy befalls them or their loved ones. A child is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, a tornado destroys an entire town,

or a terrorist attack claims the lives of innocent victims all around the world—how are they to understand God’s purpose in allowing suffering?

Suffering is not new. For centuries, people have struggled with understanding why God allows it, people mostly ask where is God when we suffer. we tried to answer these questions in this article please read more about God’s love for man for better insight.

Who is responsible for suffering in life?

It was the sin that caused all sufferings, God is not happy to see us in trouble, Adam and Eve were living a contented life in the presence of the Lord as long as sin was not entered in their life. the sin opposed suffering and pain in the human’s life as mentioned above in the Biblical verse.

Tests and trials:

Most of the time tests and trials both are misunderstood, however there is a clear difference between them, tests in the form of sufferings are essentially from God and come to promote us to the next level in our spiritual journey, and the trials are from Satan to destroy us.

Why does God allow pain, here is a great example from the Bible is Job. We see his suffering was his test from God, though extremely painful yet in terms of promotion and growth remarkable.

 On the other side In the Eden Garden there was a trail in the shape of trap from the Enemy for destruction.

 They were under the protection of God’s presence as long as they were sin free. but soon after sinning, they were vulnerable to be a soft target of Satan to bring pain, guilt and suffering.

 God’s presence in our life shields us from the enemy’s attacks. Sin causes distance from God and Satan is looking for this distance.

This is not the first-time mankind has questioned why God permits suffering. Here are

Bible verses why does God allows pain and suffering

- God says: “The soul who sins shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:4). Paul reiterates this: “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23)
 - 1. Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 


No sooner had Adam and Eve eaten from the Tree of Knowledge than they became aware of their nakedness, realized they were disobedient to God’s command, and covered themselves with fig leaves (Genesis 3).

However small an act of disobedience, God saw it as a rejection of His authority over them. He responded not just to their act of disobedience, but to the attitudes that motivated it.

The serpent had deceived Eve by telling her that eating from the tree would make her like God (Genesis 3:5).

 So, when she ate from it and saw that she was not a match physically, mentally, or emotionally for the task God had given them in the Garden of Eden, she began to doubt that she was capable of fulfilling His will.

In his self-centered ambition to become like God, Adam insisted that he would gladly accept whatever punishment Eve deserved (Genesis 2:17). In response, God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:22).

The first thing God did was to remove them from the earth. He put an angel with a sword at the entrance to the Garden of Eden so they could no longer eat freely from its trees (Genesis 3:24).

Then, He expelled them and cursed the ground (Genesis 3:17-19).

God was not punishing Adam and Eve; He was merely holding them accountable for their disobedience.

Satan had challenged God’s authority, and mankind proved Satan right by disobeying. Suffering entered the world as a result of sin, but suffering did not originate with God. He is a God of love, not a cosmic killjoy.

we see in new "Romans 5:12" Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all people because all sinned"

sin is the cause of all suffering and the pain and punishment of sin is in eternity in hell and not on earth.

How to overcome the sufferings?

we can blame Satan for introducing sin in the world but God has given us the Word and His Spirit so that we can avoid sin. God gives us freedom of choice which is a great responsibility. There are only two choices when faced with temptation – to give in or resist.

God could have created robots that never do evil, but then they would not be morally free and thus not be able to choose Him. He designed human beings so that they would love Him by free will, not be programmed to love Him.

God also could have created physical beings that never suffer illness or injury, but they would not be able to appreciate the gift of good health and strength. He designed human beings so that they would be able to appreciate pleasure and pain, success and failure, life and death.

Angles are the mighty creation of God yet they possess only wisdom not emotions similarly animals have emotions but not wisdom, so man is the only being of this universe who keeps wisdom and emotions both traits like God as we are born on God’s image.

therefore, it says in " 1 Corinthians 15:20-26" But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We may go through difficult times, but we have hope in Christ’s resurrection from the dead and our promise.

Conclusion : 

The Bible tells us that God created the world and everything in it, including humans. He is not happy when we are in trouble or suffering because of sin (Isaiah 45:7), Of course He wants us to live a prosperous contended life because He granted authority to man over the Earth, we dis own this authority because of our sinful nature.

 However, he sent his only Son to die for our sins so that we could be saved from eternal separation from him (John 3:16; Romans 5:8), which means there will never be another time where people suffer as they do now.

If you’ve been living a sinful lifestyle but want to escape this fate for yourself and your loved ones, repent today! Come to Jesus Christ by faith and receive salvation through his death on the cross.

We’ll explore what the Bible says about why God allows us (and others) to suffer; as well as offer some practical advice that should help steer your faith back towards Jesus Christ- our only hope against any type of trial whatsoever.

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